Young Studies in Constitutional Theory and Philosophy of Law
Starting in January 2021, lectures on Young Studies in Constitutional Theory and Philosophy of Law will be held at the Chair of Public Law IV in loose succession. All interested parties are cordially invited to attend.
The first lecture was held on January 19, by Dr. Taner Aydin, who presented his study on „Gustav Radbruch, Hans Kelsen and National Socialism“, which was published in 2020.
In June 2021, Dr. Lucia Scharpf presented her study on „Umweltgerechtigkeit durch Planfeststellungsverfahren“, which was published in 2021.
In January 2022, Dr. Alexander Stark continued the lecture series with a presentation of his study on "Intersdisziplinarität der Rechtsdogmatik", which was published in 2020.
In July 2022, Dr. Svenja Behrendt presented her study „Entzauberung des Rechts auf informationelle Selbstbestimmung - Eine Untersuchung zu den Grundlagen der Grundrechte“.