Conference 2021: Elements of a Discursive Theory of Fundamental Rights (29.09. - 01.10.2021)
A conference on "Elements of a Discursive Theory of Fundamental Rights" was held in Bayreuth from 29 September to 1 October 2021 to honour Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. mult Robert Alexy 75th birthday in 2020. On this occasion, former academic students, scholars and critics came together in Bayreuth to discuss central components of his work with the guest of honour.
Twenty-three speakers from twelve different nations took part in the event, including participants from the USA as well as Brazil and Japan. The conference took place in a hybrid format as some participants were unable to travel due to the pandemic. At the end of the symposium, the guest of honour responded to all 23 presentations.
The programme can be found here.
A list of the individual abstracts of the papers can be found here.
Photos can be found here.